After writing about business and technology for various local and national publications early on in my career, I’ve recently begun writing for business-to-business publications, where I can write for niche audiences about the issues that matter to them. You can catch my reporting in multiple trade publications covering industries like marketing, urban planning, events, banking, retail and fashion. Here’s a brief look at my B2B writing chops.

Selected Works

TED teams with Detroit Public TV to explore responses to climate change (Current)

With ‘Our Body Politic,’ Farai Chideya opens a new conversation about American politics (Current)

Who's Minding Your Company's Crypto Decisions? (Dark Reading)

Lululemon wants to be more than a clothing brand (Vogue Business)

Survey: More than half of consumers would try fintech over traditional banks (Banking Dive)

Eliminating Racial Segregation Is Good Economic Policy (Planning)

By moonlight: The hush-hush world of firm lawyers in the gig economy (Chicago Lawyer magazine)

Braking the banks (Chicago Lawyer magazine)

Can AI earn a starring role in marketers' video strategies? (Marketing Dive)

Beyond the data breach: How retail is addressing cybersecurity (Retail Dive)

How the New Venture Challenge Is Helping Cement Chicago’s Reputation as the Next Great Startup Hub (Adweek)

What Is the Bystander Effect and What Can You Do About It? (PCMA Convene)

OSHA still eyeing temp worker protections despite administration change (Business Insurance)




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